NES customers benefit from a full review of energy consumption/efficiency options and their reduced operating costs compared to utility bills. This review is based on site and building-specific energy use details, and benefits both existing buildings and new building projects.
- Analysis of actual or projected building energy consumption, including current/alternative utility rates in both regulated and unregulated markets.
- Computer modeling of energy use, cost and building design with comprehensive software certified by U.S. Department of Energy labs.
- Review of a building’s current energy efficiency components identifies potential improvements to lighting, HVAC and the building envelope.
- Identify the best package of new, complimentary energy efficient building improvements, while maximizing incentives and ROI.
- Identify potential onsite power systems that could produce significant reductions in power costs, while providing backup power in cases of grid outages.
- For new developments, confer with building design teams on energy efficiency and onsite power systems that improve ROI.
- Focus on energy use reductions and sustainable materials/operations.
- Prioritize by cost savings, operations impact and proven experience.
- Perform the Cost Segregation Studies needed to identify the energy equipment/installation costs that qualify for tax incentives.